Singer, J. David

Joel David Singer
* 7.12.1925 in New York
+ 28.12.2009 in Ann Arbor
Amerikanischer Friedensforscher und Szientist, Mitbegründer des Correlates of War Project, Vertreter der quantitativen Kriegsursachenforschung, Vertreter der dyadischen Variante der Theorie des demokratischen Friedens, Teilnehmer an der zweiten Debatte in den internationalen Beziehungen
1946 B.A., Duke University
1956 Ph.D., New York University
1954 – 1955 New York University, Instructor
1955 – 1957 Vassar College, Instructor
1957 – 1958 Harvard University, Social Relations, Visiting Fellow
1958 – 1960 University of Michigan, Visiting Assistant Professor
1960 U.S. Naval War College, Visiting Professor
1961 – 1983 University of Michigan, Senior Scientist
1963 – 1964 University of Oslo and Institute for Social Research, Fulbright Fellow
1964 – 1965 University of Michigan, Associate Professor
1965 – 2002 University of Michigan, Professor of Political Science
seit 2002 Professor Emeritus
American Political Science Association
International Political Science Association (IPSA)
International Studies Association (ISA)
International Society of Political Psychology
Social Science History Association
Peace Science Society
Arms Control Association
Committee for National Security
World Federalist Association
1972 – 1973 President, Peace Research Society (International)
1974 – 1988 Chair, Conflict and Peace Research Committee, IPSA
1985 – 1986 President, International Studies Association (ISA)
1984 – 1989 Karl Deutsch Peace Research Award Committee, ISA
1986 – 1993 National Science Foundation, Committee on Data Development for International Research
1991 – 1994 Federation of American Scientists, National Council
1983 Doctor of Laws (Honorary), Northwestern University
1990 Life Achievement Award, American Political Sciences Association
2001 Founders’ Medal Winner, International Peace Science Society
2003 Susan Strange Award, International Studies Association
Financing International Organization: The United Nations Budget Process. Den Haag: Martinus Nijhoff 1961.
Deterrence, Arms Control, and Disarmament: Toward a Synthesis in National Security Policy. Columbus: Ohio State University Press 1962.
(2. Auflage Washington, D.C.: University Press of America 1984).
Weapons Management in World Politics. Ann Arbor: Journal of Conflict Resolution 1963.
A General Systems Taxonomy for Political Science. Morristown: General Learning 1971.
Individual Values, National Interests, and Political Development in the International System. Beverly Hills: Sage 1971.
The Wages of War, 1816-1965: A Statistical Handbook. New York: John Wiley and Sons 1972. (mit Melvin Small)
Beyond Conjecture in International Politics: Abstracts of Data-Based Research. Ithaca: Peacock Publishing Company 1972. (mit Susan Jones)
The Scientific Study of Politics: An Approach to Foreign Policy Analysis. Morristown, NJ: General Learning Press 1972.
The Study of International Politics: A Guide to Sources for the Student, Teacher, and Researcher. Santa Barbara: Clio Books 1976. (mit Dorothy LaBarr)
The Correlates of War I: Research Origins and Rationale. New York: Free Press 1979.
To Augur Well: Early Warning Indicators in World Politics. Beverly Hills: Sage 1979. (mit Michael Wallace)
Explaining War. Beverly Hills: Sage 1979.
The Correlates of War II: Testing Some Realpolitik Models. New York: Free Press. 1980.
Resort to Arms: International and Civil War, 1816-1980. Beverly Hills: Sage 1982. (mit Melvin Small)
International War: An Anthology. Homewood: Dorsey 1985. (mit Melvin Small) (Zweite Auflage 1988)
Models, Methods, and Progress: A Peace Research Odyssey. Boulder: Westview Press 1990.
Measuring the Correlates of War. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press 1991. (mit Paul Diehl)
Empirical Knowledge on World Politics: A Summary of Quantitative Research, 1970-1991. Westport: Greenwood 1993. (mit Brian Gibbs)
Nations at War: A Scientific Study of International Conflict. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1998. (mit Daniel Geller)
Human Behavior and International Politics: Contributions from the
Social-Psychological Sciences. Chicago: Rand McNally 1965.
Quantitative International Politics: Insights and Evidence. New York: Free Press 1968.
Quantitative Indicators in World Politics: Timely Assurance and Early Warning. New York: Praeger 1984. (mit Richard Stoll)
The United Nations Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions. In: Public Administration, Winter 1957. S. 395-410.
Threat Perception and the Armament-Tension Dilemma. In: Journal of Conflict Resolution 2.1958, 1. S. 90-105.
The Finances of the League of Nations. In: International Organization 12.1958, 2. S. 255-273.
International Conflict: Three Levels of Analysis. In: World Politics 12.1960, 3. S. 453-461.
Theorizing about Theory in International Politics. In: Journal of Conflict Resolution 4.1960, 4. S. 431-442.
The Strategic Dilemma: Probability versus Disutility. In: Journal of Conflict Resolution 5.1961, 2. S. 197-205.
Arms Control and Beyond. In: Journal of Conflict Resolution 5.1961, 3. S. 311-139.
The Relevance of the Behavioral Sciences to the Study of International Relations. In: Behavioral Science 6.1961, 4. S.324-335.
From Deterrence to Disarmament. In: International Journal 16.1961, 4. S. 307-326.
Weapons Technology & International Stability. In: Centennial Review 5.1961, 4. S. 415-435.
The Level-of-Analysis Problem in International Relations. In: World Politics 14.1961, 1. S. 77-92. (dtsch.: Das Problem der Anaylseebnen in den Internationalen Beziehungen. In: Haftendorn, Helga (Hrsg.): Theorie der internationalen Politik. Gegenstand und Methode der internationalen Beziehungen. Hamburg: Hoffmann und Campe 1975. S. 193-207.)
Stable Deterrence and Its Limits. In: Western Political Quarterly 15.1962, 3. S. 449-464.
Inspection and Protection in Arms Reduction. In: Journal of Arms Control 1.1963, 1. S. 65-72.
Inter-Nation Influence: A Formal Model. In: American Political Science Review 57.1963, 2. S. 420-430.
Media Analysis in Inspection for Disarmament. In: Journal of Arms Control 1.1963, 3. S. 248-60.
Multipolar Power Systems and International Stability. In: World Politics 16.1964, 3. S. 390-406. (mit Karl Deutsch)
Soviet and American Foreign Policy Attitudes: A Content Analysis of Elite Articulations. In: Journal of Conflict Resolution 8.1964, 4. S. 424-485.
Datamaking in International Relations. In: Behavioral Science 10.1965, 1. S. 68-80.
Inspecting for Weapons Production: A Modest Computer Simulation. In: Journal of Peace Research 2.1965, 1. S. 18-38. (mit Hirohide Hinomoto)
The Political Matrix of International Conflict. In: NcNeil, Elton (Hrsg.): The Nature of Human Conflict, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall 1965. S. 139-153.
The Behavioral Science Approach to International Relations: Payoffs and Prospects. In: School of Advanced Studies Review 10.1966, 1. S. 12-20.
Cosmopolitan Attitudes and International Relations Courses: Some Tentative Correlations. In: Journal of Politics 271967, 2. S. 318-338.
Negotiation by Proxy: A Proposal. In: Journal of Conflict Resolution 9.1965, 4. S. 538-541.
The Composition and Status Ordering of the International System, 1815-1940. In: World Politics 18.1966, 2. S. 236-282. (mit Melvin Small)
Formal Alliances, 1815-1939: A Quantitative Description. In: Journal of Peace Research 3.1966, 1. S. 1-32. (mit Melvin Small)
Alliance Aggregation and the Onset of War, 1815-1945. In: Singer, J. David (Hrsg.): Quantitative International Politics: Insights and Evidence. New York: Free Press 1968. S. 247-86. (mit Melvin Small)

Man and World Politics: The Psycho-Cultural Interface. In: Journal of Social Issues 24.1968, 3. S. 127-156.
Disarmament. In: International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. Bd. 2. New York: Macmillan 1968. S. 192-202.
The Incompleat Theorist: Insight Without Evidence. In: Knorr, Klaus/ Rosenau, James N. (Hrsg.): Contending Approaches to International Politics. Princeton: Princeton University Press 1969. S. 62-86.
National Political Units in the Twentieth Century: A Standardized List. In: American Political Science Review 62.1968, 3. S. 932-951. (mit Bruce M. Russett and Melvin Small)
Formal Alliances, 1816-1965: An Extension of the Basic Data. In: Journal of Peace Research 6.1969, 3. S. 257-282. (mit Melvin Small)
The Global System and Its Sub-Systems: A Developmental View. In: Rosenau, James N. (Hrsg.) Linkage Politics: Esssays in National and International Systems, New York: Free Press (1969) 21-43.
Inter-Governmental Organization in the Global System, 1816-1964: A Quantitative Description. In: International Organization 24.1970, 2. S. 239-287.
Inter-Governmental Organization and the Preservation of Peace, 1816-1964: Some Bivariate Relationships. In: International Organization 24.1970, 3. S. 520-547. (mit Michael Wallace)
Patterns in International Warfare, 1816-1965. In: Annals of American Academy of Political and Social Science 391. 1970. S. 145-155. (mit Melvin Small)
Escalation and Control in International Conflict: A Simple Feedback Model. In: General Systems 15. 1970. S. 163-73.
From a Study of War to Peace Research: Some Criteria and Strategies. In: Journal of Conflict Resolution 14.1970, 4 (Quincy Wright Memorial Issue). S. 527-540.
Modern International War: From Conjecture to Explanation. In: Lepawsky, Albert/ Buehrig, Edward/ Lasswell, Edward (Hrsg.): The Search for World Order. New York: Appleton-Centure-Crofts 1971. S. 47-71.
The Correlates of War Project: Interim Report and Rationale. In: World Politics 24.1972, 2. S. 243-270.
Theorists and Empiricists: The Two-Culture Problem in International Politics. In: Rosenau, James N./Davis, Vincent/ East, Maurice (Hrsg.): The Analysis of International Politics. New York: Free Press 1972. S. 80-95.
Capability Distribution, Uncertainty, and Major Power War, 1820-1965. In: Russett, Bruce M. (Hrsg.): Peace, War, and Numbers. Beverly Hills: Sage 1972. S. 19-48. (mit Stuart Bremer und John Stuckey)
Historische Tatsachen und Wissenschaftliche Daten am Beispiel der Erforschung von Kriegen. In: Peter Ludz (Hrsg.) Soziologie und Sozialgeschichte: Aspekte und Probleme. Westdeutscher Verlag 1973. S. 221-241. (mit Melvin Small)
Alliances, Capabilities, and War: A Review and Synthesis. In: Political Science Annual 4.1973. S. 237-80. (mit Bruce Bueno de Mesquita)
Measuring the Concentration of Power in the International System. In: Sociological Methods and Research 1.1973, 4. S. 403-37. (mit James L. Ray)
Diplomatic Importance of States, 1816-1970: An Extension and Refinement of the Indicator. In: World Politics 25.1973, 4. S. 577-99. (mit Melvin Small)
The Population Density and War Proneness of European Nations, 1816-1965. In: Comparative Political Studies, 6.1973, 3. S. 329-348. (mit Stuart Bremer and Urs Luterbacher)
Die szientistische Methode. Ein Ansatz zur Analyse internationaler Politik. In: Politische Vierteljahresschrift 15.1974, 1. S. 3-32.
Disarmament: The Domestic and Global Context. In: Gilbert, John (Hrsg.): American Foreign Policy: Prospects and Perspectives. New York: St. Martin’s Press 1974. S. 175-200.
Foreign Policy Indicators: Predictors of War in History and in the State of the World Message. In: Policy Sciences 5.1974, 3. S. 271-296. (mit Melvin Small)
The Correlates of War Project: Continuity, Diversity, and Convergence. In: Hoole, Francis/ Zinnes, Dina (Hrsg.): Quantitative International Politics: An Appraisal. New York: Praeger 1976. S. 21-66.
Peace Research and International Security: A Friendly Assessment. In: International Security 1.1976, 1. S. 118-137.
The War Proneness of Democratic Regimes, 1816-1965. In: Jerusalem Journal of International Relations 1. 1976, 1. S. 49-69. (mit Melvin Small)
The Perfect Time for Political Research. In: Deutsch, Karl W./ Wildenmann, Rudolf (Hrsg.) Quantitative and Mathematical Approaches in Political Science. München: Olzog 1976. S. 427-439. (mit James Lee Ray)
Tribal Sins on the QIP Reservation. In: Rosenau, James N. (Hrsg.): In Search of Global Patterns. New York: Free Press 1976. S. 167-173.
War and Other Problems in the Global System. In: International Organization 31.1977, 3. S. 565-578.
System Stability and Transformation: A Global System Approach. In: British Journal of International Studies 3.1977, 3. S. 219-232.
The Historical Experiment as a Research Strategy in the Study of World Politics. In: Social Science History 2.1977, 1. S. 1-22.
Transition from Violence in the International System. In: Charny, Israel (Hrsg.): Strategies Against Violence. Boulder: Westview Press 1978. S. 331-350.
Conflict in the International System, 1816-1977: Historical Trends and Policy Futures. In: Kegley, Charles/ McGowan, Patrick (Hrsg.:) Challenges to America: U.S. Foreign Policy in the 1980s. Beverly Hills: Sage 1979. S. 89-115. (mit Melvin Small)
Accounting for International War: The State of the Discipline. In: Journal of Peace Research 18.1981, 1. S. 1-18 .
Periodicity, Inexorability, and Steersmanship in Major Power War. In: Merritt, Richard/ Russett, Bruce (Hrsg.): From National Development to Global Community. Herts: Allen & Unwin 1981. S. 404-425. (mit Thomas Cusack)
Confrontational Behavior and Escalation to War, 1860-1880: A Research Plan. In: Journal of Peace Research 19.1982, 2. S. 37-48.
Variables, Indicators, and Data: The Measurement Problem in Macro-Political Research. In: Social Science History 6.1982, 2. S. 181-217.
The Responsibilities of Competence in the Global Village. In: International Studies Quarterly 29.1985, 3. S. 245-262.
From Promised Land to Garrison State: The Israeli Search for Security. In: Scandinavian Journal of Development Alternatives 5.1986, 2. S. 14-24.
Militarized Interstate Crises: The BCOW Typology and its Applications. In: International Studies Quarterly 32.1988, 2. S. 155-73 (mit Russell Leng).
Reconstructing the Correlates of War Dataset on Material Capabilities of States, 1816-1985. In: International Interactions 14.1988, 2. S. 15-32.
System Structure, Decision Processes, and the Incidence of International War. In: Midlarsky, Manus (Hrsg.): Handbook of War Studies Boston: Unwin Hyman 1989. S. 1-21.
One Man’s View: A Personal History of the Project. In: Gochman, Charles/Sabrosky, Alan Ned (Hrsg.): Prisoners of War? Festschrift for Correlates of War Project. Lexington, MA: Lexington Books 1990. S. 11-27.
Peace in the Global System: Displacement, Interregnum, or Transformation? In: Kegley, Charles (Hrsg.) The Long Post-War Peace. New York: Harper Collins 1991. S. 56-84.
Toward a Behavioral Science of World Politics. In: Jessor, Richard (Hrsg.): Perspectives on Behavioral Science: The Colorado Lectures. Boulder: Westview Press 1991. S. 131-147.
Conflict Research, the Security Dilemma, and Learning from History. In: Zimmerman, William/Jacobson, Harold K. (Hrsg.): Behavior, Culture, and Conflict in World Politics. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press 1993. S. 79-92.
Patterns of Alliance Commitments and the Risk of Armed Conflict Involvement, 1816-1984. In Schneider, Gerald/ Weitsman, Patricia (Hrsg.): Enforcing Cooperation. New York: Macmillan 1997. S. 81-103 (mit Volker Krause)
Alliances and War: A Causal Relationship? In: Global Society 12.1998, 3. S. 279-298 (mit Georg Quaas).
The Correlates of War. In: Kurtz, Lester (Hrsg.): Encyclopedia of Violence, Peace, and Conflict. San Diego: Academic Press 1999. S. 463-471.
Civil War in the Post-Colonial World, 1946-1992. In: Journal of Peace Research 37.2000, 3. S. 275-299. (mit Errol Henderson)
The Etiology of Interstate War: A Natural History Approach. In: Vasquez, John (Hrsg.): What Do We Know About War. Boulder: Rowman and Littlefield 2000. S. 3-21.
The Future Practice and Study of War. In: Conflict Management and Peace Science 19.2001, 1. S. 81-110.
Minor Powers, Alliances, and Armed Conflict: Some Preliminary Patterns. In: Reiter, Allan/ Gartner, Scott Sigmund (Hrsg.): Small States and Alliances. Heidelberg: Physica-Verlag 2001. S. 15-23.
The Correlates of War Project: A Bibliographic History of the Scientific Study of War and Peace 1964-2000. In: Conflict Management and Peace Science 19.2002, 2. S. 69-107. (mit Volker Krause and Susumi Suzuki)
Genetic and Cultural Evolution: Implications for International Security Policies. In: Somit, Albert/ Peterson, Steven (Hrsg.): Human Nature and Public Policy: An Evolutionary Approach. New York: Palgrave 2003. S. 243-261.
The Making of a Peace Researcher. In: Krunzel, Joseph/Rosenau, James N.:
Journeys through World Politics. Autobiographical Reflections of
Thirty-four Academic Travelers. Lexington: Lexington Books 1989. S. 213.
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