Strange, Susan
Susan Strange
* 09. Juni 1923 in Dorset, UK
+ 25. Oktober 1998 in Warwick, UK
Britische Politikwissenschaftlerin, Wirtschaftswissenschaftlerin und Journalistin; Mitbegründerin und Hauptvertreterin der Internationalen Politischen Ökonomie; Vertreterin des Konzepts "Strukturelle Macht"; Mitbegründerin der British International Studies Association (BISA), erste weibliche Vorsitzende der International Studies Association (ISA)
Studium an der London School of Economics and Political Science
1943 Abschluss in Wirtschaftswissenschaften
ab 1943 Journalistin für die Zeitschriften „The Economist“ und „The Observer“
1946 White House Korrespondentin in Washington, D.C., später UN-Korrespondentin in New York
ab 1949 Editorin und Wirtschaftskorrespondentin bei der Zeitschrift „The Observer“
1949-1964 Lehrauftrag am University College in London
1965-1978 Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House)
1978-1988 Montague Burton Chair of International Relations an der LSE
1989-1994 Lehrstuhl für Internationale Politische Ökonomie am Europäischen Hochschulinstitut Florenz
1995 Lehrstuhl für Internationale Politische Ökonomie an der University of Warwick
British International Studies Association
International Studies Association
The Soviet Trade Weapon. London: Phoenix House 1959.
The Sterling Problem and the Six. London: Chatham House PEP 1967.
mit Geoffrey Goodwin
Research on International Organization. London: Heinemann 1968.
Sterling and British Policy: A Political Study of an International Currency in Decline. Oxford: Oxford University Press 1971.
mit Robert W. Cox, Harold Jacobson, Gerard Curzon u.a.
The Anatomy of Influence: Decision Making in International Organization. New Haven: Yale University Press 1973.
International Monetary Relations. Oxford: Oxford University Press 1976.
Casino Capitalism. Oxford: Blackwell 1986.
States and Markets. London: Pinter 1988.
Europe 1992: Some Personal Observations. Johannesburg: South African Institute of International Affairs 1990.
Mit John Stopford und John Henley
Rival States, Rival Firms: Competition for World Market Shares. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1991.
European Business in Japan: A Policy Crossroads? San Domenico: European University Institute 1994.
The Retreat of the State: The Diffusion of Power in the World Economy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1996.
Mad Money: When Markets Outgrow Governments. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press 1998.
Authority and Markets. Susan Strange’s Writings on International Political Economy. Hrsg. von Roger Tooze und Christopher May. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan 2002
Mit Roger Tooze
The International Politics of Surplus Capacity: Competition for Market Shares in the World Recession. London: Allen and Unwin 1981.
Paths to International Political Economy. London: Allen and Unwin 1984.
The Commonwealth and the Sterling Area. In: The Yearbook of World Affairs 13.1959. S. 24-44.

Suez and After. In: The Yearbook of World Affairs 11.1957. S. 76-103.
Strains on NATO. In: The Yearbook of World Affairs 10.1956. S. 21-41.
Strasbourg Revisited. In: World Affairs 5.1951, 1. S. 70-87.
A New Look at Trade and Aid. In: International Affairs 42.1966, 1. S. 61-73.
Debts, Defaulters and Development. In: International Affairs 43.1967, 3. S. 516-529.
The Meaning of Multilateral Surveillance. In: Cox, Robert W. (Hrsg.): International Organisation: World Politics. Studies in Economic and Social Agencies. London: Macmillan 1969. S. 231-247.
International Economics and International Relations: A Case of Mutual Neglect. In:
International Affairs 46.1970, 2. S. 304-315.
The Politics of International Currencies. In: World Politics 23.1971, 2. S. 215-231.
Sterling and British Policy: A Political View. In: International Affairs 47.1971, 2. S. 302-315.
The Dollar Crisis 1971. In: International Affairs 48.1972, 2. S.191-216.
What is Economic Power, and Who Has It? In: International Journal 30.1975, 2. S.207-224.
The Study of Transnational Relations. In: International Affairs 52.1976, 3. S. 333-345.
Interdependence in the International Monetary System. In: Czempiel, Ernst-Otto/Rustow, Dankwart (Hrsg.): The Euro-American System: Economic and Political Relations between North America and Western Europe. Frankfurt: Campus-Verlag 1976. S. 31-49.
International Monetary Relations. In: Shonfield, Andrew (Hrsg.): International Economic Relations of the Western World. Oxford: Oxford University Press 1976. S. 18-359
Who Runs World Shipping? In: International Affairs 52.1976, 3. S. 346-367.
mit Richard Holland
International Shipping and the Developing Countries. In: World Development 4.1976, 3. S. 241-251.
The Management of Surplus Capacity: Or How Does Theory Stand Up to Protectionism 1970s Style? In: International Organization 33.1976, 3. S. 303-334.
mit Christopher Gragg
International Marine Insurance. In: Ocean Yearbook 2.1980. S. 94-115.
Reactions to Brandt: Popular Acclaim and Academic Attack. In: International Studies Quarterly 25.1981, 2. S. 328-342.
The World's Money: Expanding the Agenda for Research. In: International Journal 36.1981, 4. S.691-712.
Europe and the United States: The Transatlantic Aspects of Inflation. In: Medley, Richard (Hrsg.): The Politics of Inflation: A Comparative Analysis. New York: Pergamon 1982. S. 65-76
The Monetary Tangle. In: Alting von Geusau, Frans (Hrsg.): Allies in a Turbulent World: Challenges to U.S. and Western European Cooperation. Lexington: Lexington Books 1982. S. 115-125.
The Politics of Economics: A Sectoral Analysis. In: Hanrieder, Wolfram (Hrsg.): Economic Issues and the Atlantic Community. New York: Praeger 1982. S. 15-26.
Still an Extraordinary Power: America's Role in a Global Monetary System. In: Lombra, Raymond/Witte, Willard (Hrsg.): Political Economy of International and Domestic Monetary Relations. Ames: Iowa State University Press 1982. S. 73-93
Cave! Hic Dragones: A Critique of Regime Analysis. In: International Organization 36.1982, 2. S. 479-496.
Die Verwicklungen der globalen Finanz- und Währungspolitik: Die Notwendigkeit einer europäischen Antwort. In: Europa-Archiv 37.1982, 7. S.209-218.
Structures, Values and Risk in the Study of the International Political Economy. In: Jones, R. J. Barry (Hrsg.): Perspectives on Political Economy. London: Pinter 1983. S. 209-230.
The Global Political Economy, 1959-1984. In: International Journal 39.1984, 2. S.267-283.
Protectionism and World Politics. In: International Organization 39.1985, 2. S. 233-259.
Politics, Trade, and Money. In: Tsukales, Lukas (Hrsg.): Europe, America and the World Economy. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers 1986. S. 243-255.
Supranationals and the State. In: Hall, John (Hrsg.): States in History. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers 1987. S. 289-305.
The Future of the American Empire. In: Journal of International Affairs 42.1988, 1. S.1-17.
Toward a Theory of Transnational Empire. In: Väth, Werner (Hrsg.): Political Regulation in the "Great Crisis”. Berlin: Edition Sigma. S. 25-42.
States, Firms and Diplomacy. In: International Affairs 68.1992, 1. S. 1-15.
1995 Presidential Address ISA as a Microcosm. In: International Studies Quarterly 39.1995, 3. S. 289-295.
The Defect State. In: Daedalus 124.1995, 2. S. 55-74.
European Business in Japan: A Policy Crossroads? In: Journal of Common Market Studies 33.1995, 1. S. 1-25.
Territory, State, Authority, and Economy: A New Realist Ontology of Global Political Economy. In: Cox, Robert W. (Hrsg.): The New Realism: Perspectives on Multilateralism and World Order. Tokyo: United Nations University Press 1997, S. 3-19.
The Problem or the Solution? Capitalism and the State System. In: Gill, Stephen/Mittelman, James (Hrsg.): Innovation and Transformation in International Studies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1997. S. 236-247.
An International Political Economy Perspective. In: Dunning, John (Hrsg.): Governments, Globalization, and International Business. Oxford: Oxford University Press 1997. S. 132-145.
International Political Economy: Beyond Economics and International Relations. In: Economies et Sociétés. 32.1998, 4. S. 3-24.
Who are EU? Ambiguities in the Concept of Competitiveness. In: Journal of Common Market Studies 36.1998, 1. S. 101-114.
Globaloney? In: Review of International Political Economy 5.1998, 4. S. 704-720.
The Westfailure System. In: Review of International Studies 25.1999, 3. S. 345-354.
I Never Meant to Be an Academic. In: Kruzel, Joseph/Rosenau, James (Hrsg.): Journeys Through World Politics: Autobiographical Reflections of Thirty-four Academic Travellers. Lexington: Lexington Books 1989. S. 429-436.
Morgan, Roger (Hrsg.): New Diplomacy in the Post-cold War World: Essays for Susan Strange. New York: St. Martin's Press 1993.
Lorentzen, Jochen/De Cecco, Marcello (Hrsg.): Markets and Authorities: Global Finance and Human Choice. In Memory of Susan Strange. Cheltenham: Elgar 2002.
Bibliography of the Academic Works of Susan Strange. In: Tooze, Roger/May, Christopher (Hrsg.): Authority and Markets: Susan Strange’s Writings on International Political Economy. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan 2002. S.257-262.
Krasner, Stephen: International Political Economy: Abidng Discord. In:
Review of International Political Economy 1.1994, 1. S. 13-19.
Milner, Helen/Snyder, Jack: Lost Hegemony? In: International Organization 42.1988, 4. S. 749-750.
Strange, Susan: The Persistent Myth of Lost Hegemony. In: International Organization 41.1987, 4. S. 551-574.
Strange, Susan: The Persistent Myth of Lost Hegemony: Reply to Milner and Snyder. In: International Organization 42.1988, 4. S. 751-752.
Strange, Susan: Wake Up Krasner! The World Has Changed. In: Review of International Political Economy 1.1994, 2. S. 209-219.
Baroncelli, Eugenia: Susan Strange: The Authority of Questioning. In: Campus, Donatella/Pasquino, Gianfranco/Bull, Martin (Hrsg.): maestri of political science. volume 2. Essex: ECPR Press 2011. S. 207.
Cox, Robert W.: “Take Six Eggs”: Theory, Finance, and the Real Economy in the Work of Susan Strange. In: Cox, Robert with Timothy Sinclair: Approaches to World Order. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1996. S. 174-188.
Griffiths, Martin: Susan Strange. In: Griffiths, Martin (Hrsg.): Fifty Key Thinkers in International Relations. London: Routledge 1999. S.41-46.
Lawton, Thomas/Rosenau, James/Verdun, Army (Hrsg.): Strange Power: Shaping the Parameters of International Relations and International Political Economy. Aldershot: Ashgate 2000.
Lorentzen, Jochen/Cecco, Marcello de (Hrsg.): Markets and Authorities: Global Finance and Human Choice. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar 2002.
May, Christopher: Strange Fruit: Susan Strange’s Theory of Structural Power in the International Political Economy. In: Global Society 10.1996, 2. S. 167-189.
Palan, Ronen: Susan Strange's Vision for a Critical International Political Economy. In: Bauer, Harry/Brighi, Elisabetta (Hrsg.): International Relations at LSE. A History of 75 Years. London: Millennium Publishing Group 2003. S. 117-138.
Palan, Ronen: Susan Strange 1923-1998: A Great International Relations Theorist. In: Review of International Relations 6.1999, 2. S. 121-132.
Nachruf auf Susan Strange des Centre for the Study of Globalisation and Regionalisation der University of Warwick