Wendt, Alexander
Alexander Wendt
* 1958 in Mainz
Deutsch-amerikanischer Politikwissenschaftler, Begründer und Hauptvertreter des Konstruktivismus in den Internationalen Beziehungen, Weltstaatstheoretiker
1982 B.A. in Politikwissenschaft und Philosophie am Macalester College in St. Paul, Minnesota
1989 Ph.D., Political Science, University of Minnesota
1989-1995 Assistant Professor am Department of Political Science an der Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut
1995-1997 Associate Professor am Department of Political Science an der Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut
1997-1999 Associate Professor am Department of Government am Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire
1999-2004 Associate Professor am Department of Political Science an der University of Chicago in Chicago, Illinois
seit 2004 Mershon Professor of International Security am Department of Political Science an der Ohio State University
2006 Best Book of the Decade Award der International Studies Association für "Social Theory of International Politics"
Social Theory of International Politics. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press 1999.
mit Mathias Albert und Lars-Erik Cederman
New Systems Theories of World Politics. Basingstoke (u.a.): Palgrave Macmillan 2010.
The Agent-Structure Problem in International Relations Theory. In: International Organization 41.1987, 3. S. 335-370.
mit Raymond Duvall
Institutions and International Order. In: Czempiel, Ernst-Otto/Rosenau, James (Hrsg.): Global Changes and Theoretical Challenges. Lexington: Lexington Books 1989. S. 51-74.
Bridging the Theory/Metatheory Gap in International Relations. In: Review of International Studies 17.1991, 4. S. 383-392.
mit Ian Shapiro
The Difference that Realism Makes: Social Science and the Politics of Consent. In: Politics and Society 20.1992, 2. S.197-223.
mit Michael Barnett
The International System and Dependent Militarization. In: Job, Brian (Hrsg.): The Insecurity Dilemma: National Security of Third World States. Boulder: Lynne Rienner 1992. S. 97-119.
Anarchy is What States Make of It: The Social Construction of Power Politics. In: International Organization 46.1992, 3. S. 391-425.
Levels of Analysis Versus Agents and Structures: Part III. In: Review of International Studies 18.1992, 2. S. 181-185.
mit Michael Barnett
Dependent State Formation and Third World Militarization. In: Review of International Studies 19.1993. S. 321-347.
Collective Identity Formation and the International State. In: American Political Science Review 88.1994, 2. S. 384-396.
(überarb. veröffentl. als Identity and Structural Change in International Politics. In: Lapid, Yosef/ Kratochwil, Friedrich (Hrsg.): The Return of Culture and Identity to International Theory. Boulder: Lynne Rienner 1996. S. 47-66.
dtsch.: Der Internationalstaat: Identität und Strukturwandel in der internationalen Politik. In: Beck, Ulrich (Hrsg.): Politik der Globalisierung. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp 1998. S. 381-410.)
mit Daniel Friedheim
Hierarchy Under Anarchy: Informal Empire and the East German State. In: International Organization 49.1995, 4. S. 689-721.
Constructing International Politics. In: International Security 20.1995, 1. S. 71-81.
mit Ronald Jepperson und Peter Katzenstein
Norms, Identity and Culture in National Security. In: Katzenstein, Peter (Hrsg.): The Culture of National Security. New York: Columbia University Press 1996. S. 33-75.
Identity and Structural Change in International Politics. In: Lapid, Yosef/Kratochwil, Friedrich (Hrsg.): The Return of Culture and Identity in IR Theory. Boulder: Lynne Rienner 1996. S. 47-64.
mit Ian Shapiro
The Misunderstood Promise of Realist Social Theory. In: Monroe, Kristen (Hrsg.): Contemporary Empirical Political Theory. Berkeley: University of California Press 1997. S. 166-187.
On Constitution and Causation in International Relations. In: Review of International Studies 24.1998. Special Issue S. 101-118.
A Comment on Held’s Cosmopolitanism. In: Shapiro, Ian/Hacker-Cordon, Casiano (Hrsg.): Democracy’s Edges. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1999. S. 127-133.
What is IR For? Notes Toward a Post-Critical View. In: Jones, Richard Wyn (Hrsg.): Critical Theory and World Politics. Boulder: Lynne Rienner 2000. S 205-224.
On the Via Media: A Response to the Critics. In: Review of International Studies 26.2000, 1. S. 165-180.
mit James Fearon
Rationalism vs. Constructivism? A Skeptical View. In: Carlsnaes, Walter/Risse, Thomas/Simmons, Beth (Hrsg.): Handbook of International Relations. London: Sage Publications 2001. S. 52-72.
Driving with the Rearview Mirror: On the Rational Science of Institutional Design. In: International Organization 55.2001, 4. S. 1019-1049.
Why a World State is Inevitable. In: European Journal of International Relations 9.2003, 4. S. 491-542.
The State as Person in International Theory. In: Review of International Studies 30.2004, 2. S. 289-316.
Agency, Teleology, and the World State: A Reply to Shannon. In: European Journal of International Relations 11.2004, 4. S. 589-598.
How Not to Argue Against State Personhood. In: Review of International Studies, 31.2004, 2. S. 357-360.
Social Theory as Cartesian Science: An Auto-Critique from a Quantum Perspective. In: Guzzini, Stefano/ Leander, Lenader (Hrsg.): Constructivism and International Relations: Alexander Wendt and His Critics. London: Routledge 1999. S. 181-219.
mit Raymond Duvall
Sovereignty an the UFO. In: Political Theory, 36.2008, 4. S. 607-633.
mit Mathias Albert und Lars-Erik Cederman
Flatland: Quantum Mind and the International Hologram. In: New Systems
Theories of World Politics. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan 2010. S.
Griffiths, Martin: Fifty Key Thinkers in International Relations. London: Routledge 1999. S. 199-204.
Guzzini, Stefano/Leander, Anna (Hrsg.): Constructivism and International Relations: Alexander Wendt and His Critics. London: Routledge 2006.
Ringmar, Erik: Alexander Wendt: A Scientist Struggling With History. In: Neumann, Iver/Waever, Ole (Hrsg.): The Future of International Relations: Masters in the Making. London: Routledge 1997.
Smith, Steve: Wendt's World. In: Review of International Studies 26.2000, 1. S. 152-160.
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Online verfügbare Texte von Alexander Wendt
Interview mit Wendt bei Theory Talks