Haas, Peter

Peter M. Haas
*1955 in Oakland, California (USA)
Politikwissenschaftler, Vertreter des konstruktivistischen
Institutionalismus, Mitbegründer des theoretischen Ansatzes der
„epistemic communities“, Forschungsschwerpunkt globale Umweltregime.
des U.S. Department of State, der U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
der Commission on Global Governance sowie des United Nations
Environment Program.
Sohn des Politikwissenschaftlers und
Mitbegründers des Neofunktionalismus, Ernst B. Haas (ehem. Robson
Research Professor of International Relations an der University of
California-Berkeley von 1952-2003).
B.A. in Geschichte und Politikwissenschaft an der University of
Michigan in Ann Arbor (with Highest Honors and Distinction)
1986: Ph.D. in Politikwissenschaft am Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
1986: Visiting Assistant Professor an der Yale University
1986-1987: Marine Policy Research Fellow am Marine Policy Center, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institutions
1986-1992: Assistant Professor an der University of Massachusetts in Amherst
Seit 1992: Associate Professor an der University of Massachusetts in Amherst
Saving the Mediterranean: The Politics of International Environmental Cooperation. New York: Columbia University Press 1990.
Theory to Practice: Ecological Ideas and Development Policy (Working
Paper Series). Center for International Affairs, Harvard University
Complex Cooperation. Oslo: Aschehoug AS 1994.
The Future of International Environmental Governance (Working Paper). University of California at Irvine 1996.
UN Conferences and Constructivist Governance of the Environment. Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers 2002.
Environment in the New Global Economy. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing 2003.
Emerging Forces in Environmental Governance. Tokyo: United Nations University Press 2004.
International Environmental Governance. Aldershot: Ashgate 2008.
Knowledge, Power, and International Policy Coordination. Cambridge: MIT Press 1992.
mit Robert O. Keohane und Marc A. Levy
Institutions for the Earth: Sources of Effective International Environmental Protection. Cambridge: MIT Press 1993.
mit Norichika Kanie
Emerging Forces in Environmental Governance. Tokyo: United Nations University Press 2004.
mit James Gustave Speth
Global Environmental Governance. Washington: Island Press 2006.
mit John A. Hird
Controversies in Globalization: Contending Approaches to International Relations. Washington: CQ Press 2009.
Regimes Matter? Epistemic Communities and Mediterranean Pollution
Control. In: International Organization 43.1989, 3. S.377-403.
Introduction: Epistemic Communities and International Policy Coordination. In: International Organization 46.1992, 1. S.1-35.
Banning Chlorofluorocarbons: Epistemic Community Efforts to Protect
Stratospheric Ozone. In: International Organization 46.1992, 1. S.187-224.
mit Emanuel Adler
Epistemic Communities, World Order, and the Creation of a Reflective
Research Program. In: International Organization 46.1992, 1. S.367-390.
Communities and the Dynamics of International Cooperation: In:
Rittberger, Volker (Hrsg.): Regime Theory and International Relations.
Oxford: Clarendon Press 1993.
Institutions for the Earth: Sources
of Effective International Environmental Protection. In: International
Environmental Affairs 6.1994, 2. S.191-193.
mit Ernst B. Haas
Learning to Learn: Improving International Governance. In: Global Governance 1.1995. S.255-285.
Compliance with EU Directives. In: Journal of European Public Policy 5.1998, 1. S.38-65.
Choosing to Comply: Theorizing from International Relations and Comparative Politics
In: Commitment and Compliance 2000. S.43-64.
Prospects for Effective Marine Governance in the NW Pacific Region. In: Marine Policy, 24.2000, 4. S.341-348.
Uncertainty and Environmental Policy - International Institutions and
Social Learning in the Management of Global Environmental Risks. In:
Policy Studies Journal 28.2000, 3. S.558-575.
UN Conferences and Constructivist Governance of the Environment. In: Global Governance, 8.2002, 1. S.73-81.
Pragmatic Constructivism and the Study of International Institutions. In: Millennium 31.2002, 3. S.573-602.

Addressing the Global Governance Deficit. In: Global Environmental Politics 4.2004, 4. S.1-15.
does Power Listen to Truth? A Constructivist Approach to the Policy
Process. In: Journal of European Public Policy 11.2004, 4. S.569-592.
Climate Change Governance after Bali. In: Global Environmental Politics 8.2008, 3. S.1-7.
mit Peter M. Haas im Rahmen der Reihe „Theory Talks“ zum Thema: „Social
Constructivism, the Manageability of the Market and Environmental
Peter M. Haas in der “Huffington Post” über die zukünftige Umweltpolitik unter dem neuen US-Präsidenten Barack Obama: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/peter-m-haas/prospects-for-us-environm_b_141815.html
Homepage von Peter M. Haas an der University of Massachusetts in Amherst: http://www.umass.edu/sbs/faculty/profiles/haas.htm
Online verfügbare Aufsätze von Peter M. Haas bei Project Muse: http://muse.jhu.edu/search/results?action=search&searchtype=author§ion1=author&search1=%22Haas%2C%20Peter%20M.%22
Nützliche Weblinks zur Person Peter M. Haas sowie diversen online verfügbaren Aufsätzen, Working Papers etc.: http://unjobs.org/authors/peter-m.-haas
Peter M. Haas' Blog: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/peter-m-haas