Gleditsch, Nils Petter
Nils Petter Gleditsch
* 17.07.1942 in Sutton, England
Norwegischer Friedens- und Konfliktforscher, Forschungen über Bürgerkriege, den Demokratischen Frieden und den Einfluss von Umweltfaktoren auf Konflikte, Vertreter des szientistischen Ansatzes; für das Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) Herausgeber des Journal of Peace Research
1962 Minor Degree in Philosophy, Universität Oslo
1964 Minor Degree in Economics, Universität Oslo
1964-1968 Research Assistant, Peace Research Institute, Oslo (PRIO)
1966-1967 Graduate Studies in Soziologie, Sozialpsychologie, Internationale Beziehungen, University of Michigan
1967 Research Assistant, Northwestern University, Evanston ,USA
1968 Magister Artium in Soziologie, Universität Oslo
1968-1988 Research Fellow/ Senior Researcher, PRIO
1969 Research Associate, University of Hawai
1972, 1977-1978 Direktor des PRIO
1973-1975 University Fellow für Soziologie, Universität Oslo
1983- Herausgeber Journal of Peace Research
1988- Research Professor, PRIO
1988-1993 Board Chair, Copenhagen Peace Research Institute
1990-1991, 1993, 1998 Visiting Professor, Universität Uppsala
1993 Part-time Professor, Norwegian University of Sciences and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim
1994 Guest Researcher, Russische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Moskau
1994 Guest Researcher, Universität Kopenhagen
2001-2002 Vizepräsident der International Studies Association
2002- Projektleiter Environmental Factors in Civil War, Centre for the Study of Civil War (CSCW), Oslo
2004- Mitglied der Expert Group on Environment and Conflict Prevention, United Nations Environment Programme ,UNEP.
2008-2009 Präsident der International Studies Association
Royal Norwegian Society of Sciences and Letters, Trondheim
Norwegian Sociological Studies Association
International Sociological Studies Association
International Political Science Association
International Studies Association
Global Environmental Change and Human Security Project, International Human Dimensions Programme
Johan Galtung: A Bibliography of His Scholarly and Popular Writings 1951-80. Oslo: PRIO 1980.
Mit Owen Wilkes
Loran-C and Omega: A Study of the Millitary Importance of Radio Navigation Aids. Oslo: Norwegian University Press 1987.
Mit Ådne Cappelen, Olav Bjerkholt
The Wages of Peace: Disarmament in a Small Industrialized Economy. London: Sage 1994.

Mit Håvard Hegre
Nasjonsdata: En Lærepakke [The Nation Data Bank: A Teaching Aid]. Oslo: PRIO 1995.
Mit Olav Bjerkholt, Ådne Cappelen, Ron P. Smith, Paul Dunne
The Peace Dividend.
Amsterdam: North-Holland 1996.
Mit Jennifer L. Bailey, Monica Jacobsen, Ragnhild Hustad Miller, Anita Schjølset
Det nye sikkerhetsbildet. Mot en demokratisk og fredelig verden?. Trondheim: Tapir 1998.
To Cultivate Peace - Agriculture in a World of Conflict. Oslo: PRIO/Future Harvest 1999. (= PRIO Report Nr. 1)
The Future of Armed Conflict. Ramat Gan: The Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies, Bar-Ilan University 2003.
Journal of Peace Research, seit 1983
Mit Olav Njølstad
Arms Races: Technological and Political Dynamics. London: Sage 1990.
Conflict and the Environment. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic 1997.
Mit Göran Lindgren & Naima Mouhleb
Making Peace Pay: A Bibliography on Disarmament & Conversion. Claremont, CA: Regina Books 2000.
Mit Paul F. Diehl
Environmental Conflict. Oxford: Westview Press 2000.
Mit Gerald Schneider & Katherine Barbieri
Globalization and Armed Conflict. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield 2003.
Trends in World Airline Patterns. In: Journal of Peace Research 4.1967,4. S. 366–408.
Mit Ottar Hellevik/ Kristen Ringdal
The Common Market Issue in Norway: A Conflict Between Center and Periphery . In: Journal of Peace Research 12.1975,1. S. 37–53.
Toward a Multilateral Aviation Treaty. In: Journal of Peace Research 14.1977,3. S. 239–259.
Mit Owen Wilkes
Optical Satellite Tracking: A Case Study in University Participation in Preparation for Space Warfare. In: Journal of Peace Research 15.1978,3. S. 205–225.
Mit Ådne Cappelen/ Olav Bjerkholt
Military Spending and Economic Growth in the OECD Countries. In: Journal of Peace Research 21.1984,4. S. 361–373.
Mit Einar Høgetveit
Freedom of Information in National Security Affairs: A Comparative Study of Norway and the United States. In: Journal of Peace Research 21.1984,1. S. 17–45.
Mit Ådne Cappelen/ Olav Bjerkholt
Guns, Butter and Growth: The Case of Norway. In: Steve Chan/ Alex Mintz (Hg.): Defense, Welfare and Growth. New York: Routledge 1992. S. 61–80.
Defence Without Threat? The Future of Norwegian Military Spending. In: Cooperation and Conflict 27.1992,4. S. 397–413.
Mit Dan Smith/ Håkan Wiberg
The Nordic Countries: Peace Dividend or Security Dilemma? In: Cooperation and Conflict 27.1992,4. S. 323–347.
Focus On: Democracy and Peace. In: Journal of Peace Research 29.1992,4. S. 369–376.
Democracy and Peace: Good News for Human Rights Advocates. In: Donna Gomien (Hg.): Broadening the Frontiers of Human Rights: Essays in Honour of Asbjørn Eide. Oslo & Oxford: Scandinavian University Press & Oxford University Press 1993. S. 283–306.
Mit Nils Ivar Agøy
Norway: Toward Full Freedom of Choice? In: Charles H. Moskos/ John Whiteclay Chambers (Hg.): The New Conscientious Objection: From Sacred to Secular Resistance. New York & Oxford: Oxford University Press 1993. S. 114–126.
The Treholt Case - a Review of the Literature. In: Intelligence and National Security 10.1995,3. S. 529–538.
Conversion and the Environment. In: Jyrki Käkönen (Hg.): Green Security or Militarized Environment? Aldershot & Brookfield, VT: Dartmouth 1994. S. 131–154.
Democracy and the Future of the European Peace. In: European Journal of International Relations 1.1995,4. S. 539–571.
Mit Håvard Hegre
Peace and Democracy: Three Levels of Analysis. In: Journal of Conflict Resolution 41.1997,2. S. 283–310.
Environmental Conflict and the Democratic Peace. In: Nils Petter Gleditsch (Hg.): Conflict and the Environment. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic 1997. S. 91–106.
Mit Scott Gates, Håvard Hegre, Ranveig Gissinger
Timing the Changes in Political Structures: A New Polity Database. In: Journal of Conflict Resolution 42.1998,2. S. 231–242.
Armed Conflict and the Environment: A Critique of the Literature. In: Journal of Peace Research 35.1998,3. S. 381–400.
Democracy and Peace. In: Encyclopedia of Violence, Peace, and Conflict Bd. 2. New York: Academic Press 1999. S. 643–652..
Mit Ranveig Gissinger
Globalization and Conflict: Welfare, Distribution, and Political Unrest. In: Journal of World-Systems Research 5.1999,2. S. 274–300.
Mit Håvard Hegre
Shared Rivers and Interstate Conflict. In: Political Geography 19.2000,8. S. 971–996.
Armed Conflict and the Environment. In: Paul F. Diehl/ Nils Petter Gleditsch (Hg.): Environmental Conflict. Boulder, CO: Westview 2000. S. 251–272.
Environmental Change, Security, and Conflict. In: Chester Crocker, Fen Osler Hampson/ Pamela Aall (Hg.): Turbulent Peace: The Challenges of Managing International Conflict. Washington, DC: United States Institute of Peace Press 2001. S. 53–68.
Mit Scott Gates, Håvard Hegre
Democracy and Civil Conflict After the Cold War. In: Dirk Berg-Schlosser/ Raivo Vetik (Hg.): Perspectives on Democratic Consolidation in Central and Eastern Europe. New York: Columbia University Press 2001. S. 185–194.
Mit Håvard Hegre, Scott Gates, Tanja Ellingsen
Toward a Democratic Civil Peace? Democracy, Political Change and Civil War 1816–1992. In: American Political Science Review 95.2001,1. S. 33–48.
Mit Peter Wallensteen, Mikael Eriksson, Margareta Sollenberg, Håvard Strand
Armed Conflict 1946–2001: A New Dataset. In: Journal of Peace Research 39.2002,5. S. 615-637.
Mit Bjørn Otto Sverdrup
Democracy and the Environment. In: Michael Redclift/ Edward A. Page (Hg.): Human Security and the Environment. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar 2002. S. 45–70.
Mit Henrik Urdal
Ecoviolence? Links Between Population-Growth, Environmental Scarcity and Violent Conflict in Thomas Homer-Dixon's Work. In: Journal of International Affairs 56.2002,1. S. 283–302.
Mit Håvard Hegre, Ranveig Gissinger
Globalization and Internal Conflict. In: Katherine Barbieri/ Nils Petter Gleditsch (Hg.): Globalization and Conflict. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield 2003. S. 251–275.
Environmental Conflict: Neomalthusians vs. Cornucopians. In: P.H. Liotta/ Paul Rogers/ Hans Günther Brauch/ Antonio Marquina/ Mohammad El-sayed Selim (Hg.): Security and the Environment in the Mediterranean: Conceptualising Security and Environmental Conflicts. Berlin: Springer 2003. S. 477–485.
The Replication Debate. In: International Studies Perspectives 4.2003,1. S. 72–79.
Mit Håvard Strand
Posting Your Data: Will You Be Scooped or Will You Be Famous?. In: International Studies Perspectives 4.2003,1. S. 89–97.
Mit Gerald Schneider, Katherine Barbieri
Does Globalization Contribute to Peace? A Critical Survey of the Literature. In: Katherine Barbieri/ Nils Petter Gleditsch (Hg.): Globalization and Armed Conflict. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield 2003. S. 3–30.
Mit Kathryn Furlong
The Boundary Dataset. In: Conflict Management and Peace Science 20.2003,1. S. 93–117.
Mit Hilde Ravlo, Han Dorussen
Colonial War and the Democratic Peace. In: Journal of Conflict Resolution 47.2003,4. S. 520–548.
Mit Mirjam E Sørli, Håvard Strand
Why Is There So Much Conflict in the Middle East? In: Journal of Conflict Resolution 49.2005,1. S. 141–165.
Mit Bethany Ann Lacina
Monitoring Trends in Global Combat: A New Dataset of Battle Deaths. In: European Journal of Population 21.2005,2–3. S. 145–165.
Mit Elisabeth Gilmore, Päivi Lujala, Jan Ketil Rød
Conflict Diamonds: A New Dataset. In: Conflict Management and Peace Science 22.2005,3. S. 257–292.
Mit Päivi Lujala, Elisabeth Gilmore
A Diamond Curse? Civil War and a Lootable Resource. In: Journal of Conflict Resolution 49.2005,4. S. 538–562.
Armed Conflict and the Environment. In: Paul F. Diehl (Hg.): War. Library of International Relations Vol. III. London: Sage 2005. S. 252–274.
Mit Håvard Hegre, Tanja Ellingsen, Scott Gates
Towards a Democratic Civil Peace. In: Paul F. Diehl (Hg.): War. Library of International Relations Vol. V. London: Sage 2005. S. 165–193..
Mit Kathryn Furlong, Håvard Hegre, Bethany Ann Lacina, Taylor Owen
Conflicts over Shared Rivers: Resource Wars or Fuzzy Boundaries? In: Political Geography 25.2006,4. S. 361–382.
Mit Halvard Buhaug
The Death of Distance? The Globalization of Armed Conflict. In: Miles Kahler / Barbara F. Walter (Hg.): Territoriality and Conflict in an Era of Globalization. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2006. S. 187–216.
Mit Bethany Ann Lacina, Bruce M. Russett
The Declining Risk of Death in Battle. In: International Studies Quarterly 50.2006,3. S. 673–680.
Persönliche Webseite am PRIO
Persönliche Webseite an der NTNU
Interview mit Nils Petter Gleditsch, ESI Special Topics, Februar 2007