Andrew Moravcsik
amerikanischer Politikwissenschaftler, Hauptvertreter der Theorie des liberalen Intergouvernementalismus, Vertreter der Interdependenztheorie, führender amerikanischer Europawissenschaftler; neben seiner politikwissenschaftlichen Arbeit publizistisch tätig, v.a. für die Magazine Newsweek und Prospect, wo er nicht nur zu politischen Themen, sondern auch über klassische Musik schreibt; Moravcsik ist mit der Politikwissenschaftlerin Anne-Marie Slaughter verheiratet.
1980 BA in Geschichte an der Stanford University
1980-82 Fulbright Fellow an den Universitäten Hamburg, Bielefeld und Marburg
1982-1984 MA in Internationalen Beziehungen an der John Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), Washington, DC
1992 PhD and MA in Politikwissenschaft an der Harvard University
1992 - 2004 Professor für Politikwissenschaft an der Harvard University
seit 2004 Professor of Politics and International Affairs am Department of Politics und der Woodrow Wilson School der Princeton University
1988 - 89 International Institute for Strategic Studies Fellowship
1988 - 89 Institut Français des Relations Internationales Fellowship
1988 - 89 Centre d'Etudes et Recherches Internationales Fellowship
1993 - 96 Visiting Research Fellowship, Robert Schuman Center des Europäischen HOchschulinstituts
1999 - 00 Senior Fellowship, Italian Academy for Advanced Studies Fellowship, Columbia University
1999 - 00 Senior Research Fellowship, Department of Politics and European Center, New York University
2002 - 04 Visiting Research Scholar, Department of Politics, Princeton University
2003 - 04 Visiting Research Fellow, Institute of International and Regional Studies, Princeton University
2007 - 08 Shanghai Institute for International Affairs and Fudan University, Shanghai, China
Honorary Fellow, Foreign Policy Association New York
Senior Fellow, Brookings Institution Washington, DC
Mitglied des Council on Foreign Relations
Mitglied der Working Group on "Strategic Reactions to American Preeminence des National Intelligence Council der USA (2004 – 2005)
Cambridge Review of International Affairs
European Journal of International Relations
Journal of Cold War Studies
Journal of European Union Politics
Journal of International Relations and Development
Journal of Public Policy (1996-2006)
World Politics
Zeitschrift für internationale Beziehungen (1996–2003)
Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft
Liberalism and International Relations Theory. Cambridge: Center for International Affairs der Harvard University 1992.
National Preference Formation and Interstate Bargaining in the European Community: 1955 – 1986. 1992 (= Dissertation von 1992)
Why the European Community Strengthens the State: Domestic Politics and International Cooperation. Cambridge: Center for European Studies der Harvard University 1994.
A New Statecraft? Supranational Entrepreneurs and International Cooperation. Cambridge: Weatherhead Center for International Affairs 1998.
Explaining the Emergence of Human Rights Regimes: Liberal Democracy and Political Uncertainty in Postwar Europe. Cambridge: Weatherhead Center for International Affairs 1998.
mit Jeffrey Legro
Is Anybody Still a Realist? Cambridge: Weatherhead Center for International Affairs 1998.
Liberal International Relations Theory: A Social Scientific Assessment. Cambridge: Weatherhead Center for International Affairs 2001.
The Choice for Europe: Social Purpose and State Power from Messina to Maastricht. Ithaca: Cornell University Press 1998.
European Union and World Politics. London: Routledge 2009.
Centralization or Fragmentation? Europe Facing the Challenges of Deepening, Diversity, and Democracy. New York: Council on Foreign Relations Press 1998.
Europe without Illusions. Lanham: University Press of America 2005.
mit Daniel Arbess
Lengthening the Fuse: No-First-Use and Disengagement. In: Nye, Joseph S./Allison, Graham/Carnesale, Albert (Hrsg.): Fateful Visions: Avoiding Nuclear Catastrophe. Cambridge: Ballinger 1988.
Disciplining Trade Finance: The Origins and Success of the OECD Export Credit Arrangement. In: International Organization 43.1989, 1. S. 173-205.
The European Armaments Industry at the Crossroads. In: Survival 32.1990, 1. S. 65-85.
Negotiating the Single European Act: National Interests and Conventional Statecraft in the European Community. In: International Organization 45.1991, 1. S. 19-56.
mit Stephan Haggard
The Political Economy of Financial Assistance to Eastern Europe, 1989-1991. In: Keohane, Robert O./Nye, Joseph S./Hoffmann, Stanley (Hrsg.): After the Cold War: International Institutions and State Strategies in Europe 1989-1991. Cambridge: Harvard University Press 1993. S. 246-285.
mit Marc Levy, Kalypso Nicolaïdis und Stephen Haggard
Integrating the Two Halves of Europe: Theories of Interests, Bargaining and Institutions. In: Keohane, Robert O./Nye, Joseph S./Hoffmann, Stanley (Hrsg.): After the Cold War: Institutions and State Strategies in Europe 1989-1991. Cambridge: Harvard University Press 1993. S. 173-195.
Preferences and Power in the European Community: A Liberal Intergovernmentalist Approach. In: Journal of Common Market Studies 31.1993, 4. S.473-524.
Integrating International and Domestic Politics: A Theoretical Introduction. In: Evans, Peter/Jacobson, Harold/Putnam, Robert (Hrsg.): Double-Edged Diplomacy: Interactive Games in International Affairs. Berkeley: University of California Press 1993.
Armaments among Allies: Franco-German Weapons Cooperation, 1975-1985. In Evans, Peter/Jacobson, Harold/Putnam, Robert (Hrsg.): Double-Edged Diplomacy: Interactive Games in International Affairs. Berkeley: University of California Press 1993.
Liberal Intergovernmentalism and Integration: A Rejoinder. In: Journal of Common Market Studies 33.1995, 4. S. 611-628.
Explaining International Human Rights Regimes: Liberal Theory and Western Europe. In: European Journal of International Relations 1.1995, 2. S. 157-189.
Federalism and Peace: A Structural Liberal Perspective. In: Zeitschrift für internationale Beziehungen 3.1996, 1. S. 23-32.
Warum die Europäische Gemeinschaft die Exekutive stärkt: Innenpolitik und internationale Kooperation. In: Wolf, Klaus-Dieter (Hrsg.): Projekt Europa im Übergang. Probleme, Modelle und Strategien des Regierens in der Europäischen Union. Baden-Baden: Nomos 1997. S. 211-270.
Liberalism and Localism in the World Economy. In: Yamamura, Kozo (Hrsg.): A Vision for a New Liberalism? Critical Essays. Stanford: Stanford University Press 1997.
mit Kalypso Nicolaïdis
Federal Ideals vs. Constitutional Realities in the Amsterdam Treaty. In: Journal of Common Market Studies 36.1998, Sonderheft. S. 13-38.
Taking Preferences Seriously: Liberalism and International Relations Theory. In: International Organization 51.1997, 4. S. 514-553.
mit Kalypso Nicolaïdis
Explaining the Treaty of Amsterdam: Interests, Influences, Institutions. In: Journal of Common Market Studies 37.1999, 1. S. 59-86.
A New Statecraft? Supranational Entrepreneurs and International Cooperation. In: International Organization 53.1999, 2. S. 267-306.
The Future of European Integration Studies: Social Theory or Social Science? In: Millennium 28.1999, 2. S. 371-391.
mit James Caporaso, Fritz Scharpf, and Helen Wallace
The Choice for Europe – Current Commentary and Future Research. In: Journal of European Public Policy 6.1999, 1. S. 155-179.
Theory and Method in the Study of International Negotiation: A Reply to Oran Young on `A New Statecraft? In: International Organization 53.1999, 4. S. 811-814.
mit Jeffrey Legro
Is Anybody Still a Realist? In: International Security 24.1999, 2. S.5-55.
Le Grain et la Grandeur: Les Origines Économiques de la Politique Européenne du Général de Gaulle. 1re partie. In: Revue Française de Science Politique 49.1999, 4-5. S. 507-544.
(engl. Übersetzung: De Gaulle between Grain and Grandeur: The Economic Origins of French EC Policy, 1958-1970 Part I . In: Journal of Cold War Studies 2.2000, 2. S. 3-43.)
Le Grain et la Grandeur: Les Origines Économiques de la Politique Européenne du Général de Gaulle. 2ème partie. In: Revue Française de Science Politique 50.2000, 1. S.73-124.
(engl. Übersetzung: De Gaulle between Grain and Grandeur: The Economic Origins of French EC Policy, 1958-1970 Part II . In: Journal of Cold War Studies 2.2000, 3. S. 4-68.)
Is Something Rotten in the State of Denmark? Constructivism and European Integration. In: Journal of European Public Policy 6.1999, 4. S. 669-681.
The Origins of International Human Rights Regimes: Democratic Delegation in Postwar Europe. In: International Organization 54.2000, 2. S. 217-252.
mit Robert Keohane and Anne-Marie Slaughter
Legalized Dispute Resolution: Interstate and Transnational. In: International Organization 54.2000, 3. S. 457-488.
mit Kenneth Abbott, Robert Keohane, Anne-Marie Slaughter, and Duncan Snidal
The Concept of Legalization. In: International Organization 54.2000, 3. S. 401-420.
Conservative Idealism and International Institutions. In: Chicago Journal of International Law 1.2000, 2. S. 291-314.
Beyond Grain and Grandeur: An Answer to Critics and an Agenda for Future Research. In: Journal of Cold War Studies 2.2000, 3. S. 117-142. mit Schmitter, Philippe C. and Majone, Giandomenico
Democracy and Constitutionalism in the European Union. In: European Union Studies 13.2000, 2.
Why Is U.S. Human Rights Policy So Unilateralist? In Forman, Shepard/Stewart, Patrick (Hrsg.): Ambivalent Engagement: Multilateralism and US Foreign Policy. Boulder: Lynne Rienner 2002. S. 345-376.
Federalism in the European Union: Rhetoric and Reality. In: Nicolaïdis, Kalypso/Howse, Robert (Hrsg.): The Federal Vision: Legitimacy and Levels of Governance in the US and the EU. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2001. S. 161-190.
The New Abolitionism: Why Does the US Practice the Death Penalty while Europe Does Not? In: European Studies 2001.
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The Death Penalty: Getting Beyond Exceptionalism: A Response to Silvia and Sampson. In: European Studies 2001.
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Bringing Constructivist Theories of the EU out of the Clouds: Have they Landed yet? In: European Union Politics 2.2001, 2. S. 231-249.
In Defence of the Democratic Deficit: Reassessing Legitimacy in the European Union. In: Journal of Common Market Studies 40.2002, 4. S. 603-624.
mit Milada Vachudova
Bargaining Among Unequals: Enlargement and the Future of European Integration. In: European Union Studies Review 15.2002, 4. S. 1-3.
Theory Synthesis in International Relations: Real Not Metaphysical. In: International Studies Review 5.2003, 1. S. 131-136.
The Liberal Paradigm in International Relations Theory: A Scientific Assessment. In: Elman, Colin/Elman, Miriam Fendius (Hrsg.): Progress in International Relations Theory: Appraising the Field. Cambridge: MIT Press 2003. S. 159-204.
Striking a New Transatlantic Bargain. In: Foreign Affairs 82.2003, 4. S. 74-89.
mit Andrea Sangiovanni
On Democracy and `Public Interest’ in the Europe Union. In: Streeck, Wolfgang/Mayntz, Renate (Hrsg.): Die Reformierbarkeit der Demokratie. Innovationen und Blockaden. Festschrift für Fritz W. Scharpf. Frankfurt: Campus Verlag 2003. S. 122-150.
mit Milada Vachudova
National Interest, State Power, and EU Enlargement. In: East European Politics and Society 17.2003, 1. S. 45-57.
Is there a `Democratic Deficit’ in World Politics? A Framework for Analysis. In: Government and Opposition 39.2004, 2. S. 336-363.
A Too Perfect Union? Why Europe Said "No". In: Current History 104.2005, 685. S. 355-359.
The Paradox of US Human Rights Policy. In: Ignatieff, Michael (Hrsg.): American Exceptionalism and Human Rights. Princeton: Princeton University Press 2005. S. 147-197.
The European Constitutional Compromise and the Neo-functionalist Legacy. In: Journal of European Public Policy 12.2005, 2. S. 349-386.
Die Verfassung ist tot! Es lebe die Verfassung! In: Europäische Rundschau 34.2006, 1. S. 73-81.
What Can We Learn from the Collapse of the European Constitutional Project? A Rejoinder to Eight Critics. In: Politische Vierteljahresschrift 47.2006, 2. S. 219-241.
The European Constitutional Settlement. In: McNamara, Kathleen/Meunier, Sophie (Hrsg.): Making History: European Integration and Institutional Change at 50. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2007.
The Politics of International Judicial Appointments: Evidence from the European Court of Human Rights. In: International Organization 61.2007, 4. S. 669-702.
The European Constitutional Settlement. In: The World Economy 31.2008, 1. S. 158-183.
Persönliche Homepage von Andrew Moravcsik an der Princeton University