Gilpin, Robert G.


gilpinRobert George Gilpin

US-amerikanischer Politikwissenschaftler, Vertreter des Ökonomischen Realismus (Neorealismus)

*02.07.1930 in Burlington, Vermont






1952: B.A. der Philosophie an der University of Vermont
1954: M.S. der Soziologie an der Cornell University
1960: Ph.D. an der University of California Berkeley
1960-1961: Lehre an der Columbia Universität in New York
1962-1998: Dwight D. Eisenhower Professor of Public and International Affairs an der Princeton University im Department of Politics und der Woodrow Wilson School


American Political Science Association (1984-1985 Vize-Präsident)

Mitglied des Council on Foreign Relations


1987: Award for the Best New Professional and Scholarly Book in Business, Management, and Economics für The Political Economy of International Relations
1988: Woodrow Wilson Foundation Book Award für The Political Economy of International Relations


American Scientists and Nuclear Weapons Policy. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton Univ. Press 1962.

Scientists and National Policy-Making. New York: Columbia University Press 1964.

France in the Age of the Scientific State. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press 1968.

US Power and the Multinational Corporation: The Political Economy of Foreign Direct Investment. London: MacMillan 1975.

War and Change in World Politics. New York: Cambridge University Press 1981.

The Political Economy of International Relations. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press 1987.

The Challenge of Global Capitalism: The International Economy in the 21st Century. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press 2000.

Global Political Economy: The New International Economic Order. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press 2001.


The Politics of Transnational Economic Relations. In: International Organization 25. 1971. S. 398-419.

Three Models of the Future. In: International Organization 29. 1972. S. 30-67.

Economic Interdependence and National Security in Historical Perspective. In: Knorr, Klaus/Trager, Frank N. (Hrsg.): Economic Issues and National Security. Lawrences: Allen Press 1977.

The Richness of the Tradition of Political Realism. In: International Organization 38. 1984. 2, S. 288-304.

The Theory of Hegemonic War. In: Journal of Interdisciplinary History 18.1988. S. 591-613.


Robert Gilpin & International Relations | Reflections. Princeton, New Jersey:he Trustees of Princeton University, 2012

Mit Beiträgen von:

The Richness of the Contributions of Robert G. Gilpin, Michael Mastanduno. S. 7-20

Robert Gilpin and the Early Development of International Political Economy, Benjamin J. Cohen. S. 21 - 32

Robert Gilpin and the Foundations of International Relations, Joanne Gowa. S. 33 - 42

Gilpinian Realism and International Relations, William C. Wohlforth. S. 43 - 60

Power, Markets, and Gilpin's Enduring Ideas: War and Change Today, Kathleen R. McNamara. S. 61 - 76

Robert Gilpin: Exemplary Scholar - Teacher, Richard Falk. S. 77 - 88

Against the Current: Robert Gilpin as Teacher and Scholar, Daniel H. Deudney. S. 89 - 98

The World of Robert Gilpin Today, Harold James und Marzenna James. S. 99 - 112

Robert Gilpin: His Work, His Influence, and the World in Our Time, Wolfgang Danspeckgruber. S. 113 - 130 


Ausgewählte Aufsätze von Gilpin