Zimmern, Alfred
Sir Alfred Eckhard Zimmern
Englischer Vertreter des klassischen Idealismus, Althistoriker, Mitarbeiter des Völkerbunds, Mitbegründer der Disziplin Internationale Beziehungen, Inhaber des ersten Lehrstuhls für Internationale Beziehungen in Europa
* 1879 in Surbiton, Surrey
† 1957 in Hartford, Connecticut
Studium an der Winchester School und am New College, Oxford
1902 Abschluss an der Oxford University
1904 Lecturer an der Oxford University für Alte Geschichte
1909 Studienaufenthalt in Griechenland
1912 Inspektor für das Board of Education
1917 Mitarbeit im Ministry of Reconstruction
1918 Mitarbeiter im Political Intelligence Department, Foreign Office
1919 Berufung auf den Woodrow Wilson Chair for International Relations, Department for International Politics, University of ales, Aberystwyth
1921 Aufgabe des Woodrow Wilson Chairs, politische und publizistische Tätigkeiten
1926 Stellvertretender Direktor des Institutes for Intellectual Cooperation des Völkerbunds in Paris
1930 Montague Burton Professor of International Relations, University of Oxford
1943 Mitarbeit im Foreign Office
1945 Generalsekretär der konstituierenden Versammlung der UNESCO
ab 1945 Visiting Professor am Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut
1936 Verleihung der Ritterwürde und Ernennung zum Sir

The Greek Commonwealth: Politics and Econonomics in Fifth-century Athens. Oxford: Clarendon Press 1911.
Nationality and Government with Other War-time Essays. London: Chatto & Windus 1918.
Europe in Convalescence. London: Mills & Boon 1922.
Education and International Goodwill. London: Humphrey Milford 1924.
The British Commonwealth in the Post-War World. London: Oxford University Press 1926.
Solon & Croesus and other Greek Essays. London: Milford 1928.
Learning and Leadership: A Study of the Needs and Possibilities of International Intellectual Co-operation. London: Milford 1928.
(2 Aufl. London: Oxford University Press 1930 )
America and Europe and Other Essays. New York: Oxford University Press 1929.
The Prospects of Democracy and Other Essays. London: Chatto & Windus 1929.
(Nachdr. Freeport, NY: Books for Libraries Press 1968)
The Study of International Relations: An Inaugural Lecture Delivered Before the University of Oxford on 20. February 1931. Oxford: Clarendon Press 1931.
(dtsch.: Internationale Politik als Wissenschaft. Leipzig: Teubner 1933)
Quo Vadimus? London: Oxford University Press 1934.
The League of Nations and the Rule of Law 1918-1935 London: Macmillan 1936. (2. erw. Ausg. 1939)
Modern Political Doctrines. London: Oxford University Press 1939.
Spiritual Values and World Affairs. Oxford: Clarendon Press 1939.
University Teaching of International Relations: A Record of the Eleventh Session of the International Studies Conference Pragu 1938. Paris: International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation, League of Nations, 1939.
The American Road to World Peace. New York: E.P. Dutton & Company 1953.
(dtsch.: Der amerikanische Weg zum Weltfrieden. Zürich: Amalthea Verlag 1956.)
Nationality and Government. In: Sociological Review, September 1916. S. 39-45.
International Organization. Its Prospects and Limitations. In: Atlantic Monthly Nr. 9 1923.
The Prospects of Democracy. In: Journal of the Royal Institute of International Affairs 7.1928, 3. S. 153-191.
The Cultural Causes of War. In: Porritt, Ruth (Hrsg.): The Causes of War: Economic, Industrial, Racial, Religious, Scientific and Political. New York: Macmillan 1932. S. 131-144.
International Law and Social Consciousness. In: Transactions of the Grotius Society 20.1934. S. 25-44
The League's Handling of the Italo-Abyssinian Dispute. In: International Affairs 14.1935, 6. S. 751-768.
The Problem of Collective Security. In: Wright, Quincy (Hrsg.): Neutrality and Collective Security. Chicago: University of Chicago Press 1936. S. 3-89.
The Decline of International Standards. In: International Affairs 17.1938, 1. S. 3-31.
Czechoslovakia To-Day. In: International Affairs 17.1938, 4. S. 465-492.
Athens and America. In: The Classical Journal 43.1947, 1. S. 2-11.
Our Greek Augustan Age. In: The Classical Journal 46.1951, 7. S. 325-330+354.
Griffiths, Martin: Alfred Zimmern. In: Ders.: Fifty Key Thinkers in International Relations. London: Routledge 1999. S. 100-105.
Markwell, D.J.: Sir Alfred Zimmern: Fifty Years on. In: Review of International Studies 12.1986. S. 272-292.
Miller, J.D.B.: The Commonwealth and World Order: The Zimmern Vision and After. In: Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History 8.1979-80. S. 159-162.
Peatling, Gary K.: Globalism, Hegemonism and British Power: J. A. Hobson and Alfred Zimmern Reconsidered. History 89.2004, 295. S. 381–398.
Rich, Paul: Alfred Zimmern’s Cautious Idealism: The League of Nations, International Education, and the Commonwealth. In: Long, David/Wilson, Peter (Hrsg.): Thinkers of the Twenty Years’ Crisis: Inter-War Idealism Reassessed. Oxford: Clarendon Press 1995. S. 79-99.
Informationen zu Alfred Zimmern vom Department of International Politics, Aberystwyth
Informationen über Alfred Zimmern bei der UNESCO